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Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hand we know

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When I see that many seemingly unrelated events fall into place to make something happen, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle coming together to reveal a picture, I know God is at work because the statistical probability that they have happened in random is way too small.  My reassignment and my assignment to Seoul are both cases in point, not just on the work front but also on the personal side. 

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Be glad for all God is planning for you.  (Romans 12:12, NLT)

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The song playing on the radio on the way home from my 22nd birthday party.  It's on the radio again today.

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Recently I went to the housewarming party hosted by one of the tenors in our church choir.  He is Uzbekistani-Russian and his wife is Korean.  They met when she was studying Russian in Uzbekistan.

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Present things are ours to enjoy but not to keep. 

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I visited the Kansai region on a group tour with my family in 2002.  I tagged along two Korean friends this time for four days, to make up for the Himeji castle I had missed last time and to meet with my former manager, now our Osaka office director, and his family.  I wanted to thank him in person for making such a difference in my career.  If I had not worked for him, I would have left long time ago and would not have had the opportunity to work in Seoul.  I try to emulate his leadership qualities as I build the team in Seoul. 

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Travel when you are able.  Don't wait until retirement.

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Reminders of a higher reality forgetton amid busyness 

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Recently a Christian sister, a beautiful clarinet player in our church choir, starts her blog (www.beaunutrition.blogspot.com) focusing on nutrition and beauty.

I studied microbiology in college and environmental health in graduate school in the US.  Professionally I am supposed to tell people how to stay healthy, so I try to practice what I say--getting sufficient rest, exercise moderately, eat balancedly, developing strong relationships and strong faith.....   

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Koreans are communal in nature and living by yourselves is still considered an odd thing, so most food items sold in discount retailers are in family-size packaging.  I shop for food mostly in the small supermarket right next to my studio apartment building, because I can buy in smaller quantities.  I only visit discount retailers a few times year to get bulk items such as detergents.      

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So a high school classmate asked....

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