While my siblings and I were in school in the US some 20 years ago, educators debated the pros and cons of gifted education. The conclusion was that instead of separating "gifted" children into one class, it was better for them to be in advanced classes only in the areas they were gifted (e.g. math, science, language), and attend the other classes with "average" kids. The reason was precisely what the teacher in the article has indicated--a gifted child has to develop as a person, not just intellectually. Unfortunately too many Oriental parents see their children as their alter ego, and want the children to accomplish what they have not been able.
We all know in life "the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong". The academics in Taiwan joke that they should be nicer to the students who are in the middle of the class rank. They tend to be the ones who make their fortune and donate large sums to their alma mater. The students who are the top of their class become "competitors" in many cases by becoming professors
