I read this book when I first arrived in Seoul two and half years ago. As I look back on 15 years of full-time work in several organizations, I see how being with the "right" people is important, not just for career development, but more so for enjoyment and satisfaction from day to day. Try to identify the following "right" people in your workplace:
1. mentor (teacher)
2. advocate (cheerleader)
3. trailblazer (peer who sets an example)
4. researcher (one who keeps you in the knowledge loop)
While I have met my share of "wrong" people at work, I am grateful for the positive relationships I have. I am still in contact with my first manager over 15 years ago, and I try to meet with her and some of my former colleagues from that time once a year. We are all doing different things and in different stages of our lives now, but each time we gather I am reminded that what remains after all these years are relationships. No one remembers what we have done back then anymore, no matter how significant it may have seemed then.