
When the oceans rise and thunders roll,

I will soar with You above the storms.

Father, You are King above the floods,

I will be still and know You are God.


Continuing into the fourth day of my “fast” for the Passion Week, my body is becoming used to getting up at 5:15 for morning prayer. 


On Tuesday Pastor Choi shared from Matthew 26:6~13--Jesus anointed at Bethany.  Mary performed a sacrificial, costly, and loving act before Jesus’ death, the equivalent of 1 year wage in that time.  Jesus commended her, that wherever the Gospel would be preached throughout the world, what she had done would also be told, in memory of her.


On Wednesday our pastor continued sharing from Matthew 26:14~16—Judas agrees to betray Jesus.  He mentioned that Judas dreamt of a politically free Israel, and he thought that Jesus was the Messiah who would bring this freedom.  Yet as Jesus talked more and more about his death, Judas’ dream was broken.  The disillusion eventually led him to betrayal.  He exchanged a God given dream for 30 silver coins.


I realized in my everyday life, there is also a battle for my will.   I can choose to be Mary or to be Judas.  I can use the material things to love God, or trade God for material things.


On Thursday we looked into Matthew’s account of Gethsemane, and meditated on what it would mean for us to surrender our will to God.


May the Lord help us to knowing and doing the will of God, as we learn to surrender our every will to Him.



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    Lai J

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