I came across an interesting book recently:
Chasing Daylight
Traditional Chinese Edition
I thought "Chasing Daylight" might be an interesting read because of what the book reviewers had commented:
"O'Kelly's absolutely more fulfilled by the soul work that he finishes in 100 days, compared to his 30 years of corporate promotions and accolades......"
"His advice is simple: Confront your mortality, sooner rather than later."
I was reminded of my mortality in 2002 when I was involved in a traffic accident near Boston, in which the car was pretty much totalled when it was sideswiped by a pickup truck. God was gracious and I only had a slight bruise on my left cheek. I realized then nobody would care about what title I had or how much my salary was if I died, but how I treated them would be remembered for years to come.
I also read a commerorative Taiwan magazine issue on Peter Drucker during the weekend, and interestingly the question Drucker asked himself throughout his life was a similar question raised by a Catholic priest while he was in high school:
"What do you want to be remembered for?"